We offer a wide range of energy consultancy support services

We can help you keep up to date with current procedures, make sense of legislation and prepare for the future. We’re Scotland’s leading complete resource management company and we provide advice and technical consulting support to a range of clients including waste producers, the waste management industry, its regulators and investors.

We offer a wide range of support services including:

  • Desktop reviews of current/proposed strategies
  • Strategy development – which leads to improved waste management services
  • Waste monitoring including set out rates, participation rates, surveys etc.
  • Waste service assessments – tonnages/capture rates etc.
  • Waste audits and analysis
  • Communications and training support
We can offer waste monitoring, service assessments and audits to improve your waste management.

We can offer waste monitoring, service assessments and audits to improve your waste management.

Our Ethics

At Cireco, we believe in doing things differently. Sure, we deal with waste and recycling, but we do a lot more than that. We care about Scotland’s future and that’s why we won’t compromise when it comes to protecting the environment.

Our number one priority is providing expert solutions for your waste and recycling needs in a way that’s kind to the planet and gives you the best value for money. As one of the leading complete resource management services in Scotland, we're confident we can meet your business needs.

We’re recognised by our customers as being the best in the business for our expertise, reliability, innovation – and above all, our ethics. We are at the forefront of Scotland’s waste management and now we’re investing in your tomorrow.

Looking for environmental consultancy?

We provide advice and technical consulting support to a range of clients for energy and climate awareness needs.


Tell people about your environmental credentials

Talking about waste isn’t the most exciting of topics, but it’s important. We can help your target audience understand the services you provide – whether that’s your customers, internal staff or residents. Our communication skills and experience are second to none and will keep your stakeholders informed and motivated.

We’re the leader in Scotland’s sustainable resource management

We won’t waste our waste and landfill is always our last resource and we want to make the most of Scotland’s resources by investing in a circular economy model – that is, making sure that we reduce, re-use, recycle and recover as much as possible. We hope you’ll join us on our journey towards a better Scotland for us all.

Our goal: to be Scotland’s standard bearers. The leading Tier 1 name recognised broadly as leaders in solving waste management problems whilst providing market-leading value.

Case Study

Brockwell Energy Ltd

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Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our waste and sustainabilty services, use the form below or give us a ring on 03451 55 11 33.



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